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Carriage Driving

We welcome participants of all ages and disabilities to come for a carriage drive with Duncan. You would sit next to a qualified coach either in the seat or in your manual wheelchair clamped into the carriage. You can come solely for the enjoyment of the drive, or you can learn to drive by giving voice commands to the pony and then holding a second set of reins. 

You can work towards the RDA Carriage Driving Proficiency Tests (Grades 1-4) where you will be given a certificate, pin badge or an iron-on patch following successful completion of each grade. You will receive lots of relaxed and fun training, instruction and guidance from your qualified RDA Coach. 

If you think you may be interested in becoming a participant at Dial Wood and taking part in one of our sessions, please complete the application form below and e-mail or post to us using the details here.

"The carriage driving experience has been therapeutic, especially for those of us whose legs won't carry us and usually have little control over what speed we go. Being able to go around the arena and down the lane, passing walkers, has been liberating."


© 2023 Dial Wood Carriage Driving for the Disabled. Registered under charity number: 1124551

A Member of the Riding for the Disabled Association Incorporating Carriage Driving. Registered under charity number: 244108

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