Tea with a Pony

What could be a nicer way to spend an afternoon than enjoying a cup of tea and a slice of cake in the company of Dial Wood’s friendly, gentle ponies. Tea with a Pony is a new venture which, thanks to funding from Haribo and Moto, commenced in Spring 2022 and will run throughout the Summer months. We can accommodate up to four visitors and their carers at each session. A specially adapted venue will allow visitors to enjoy refreshments whilst watching our therapy ponies at work with an opportunity to meet the ponies too. There is no doubt that being around these calm and intuitive animals assists with mental well being, loneliness and helps unlock memories.
Parking, toilet and hand washing facilities are available and the group continues to follow covid guidelines. Health and Safety is paramount and a full risk assessment has been carried out. We ask for a donation of £12 per visitor (carers are free) this includes all refreshments and the therapy and entertainment our ponies will provide. If you are interested in coming along please contact RDA Coach Chris on 07769 713767 or casatina32@btinternet.com for more information.